Dec. 21, 2020: The United States began distributing the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to workers in healthcare settings on December 14. Along with continuing to wear proper PPE and practicing good hygiene, this vaccine is the best way to combat COVID-19 and get us on track for a safe reopening of the economy. Download the UW Labor Coalition FAQs here.
Here's what you should know about the vaccine:
Safety: The U.S. vaccine safety system works to make sure that vaccines, including the COVID-19 vaccine, are safe. Experts agree that none of the COVID-19 vaccines can give you COVID-19, because they do not use live COVID-19 virus. The vaccines can cause symptoms like fever or chills, but these are normal symptoms. Source: Facts about COVID-19 Vaccines (CDC)
According to the Washington Dept. of Health, some people won’t be able to get the vaccine due to medical reasons. If you have a history of serious allergic reactions or are immune-compromised, ask your doctor first. Learn more here.
According to the Mayo Clinic, herd immunity is when enough of the population becomes immune to a disease and it cannot easily spread. If we wait for natural infections to lead to herd immunity, many more people will suffer and die. Hospitals will be even more overwhelmed.Vaccination means more people can become immune safely. Source: Mayo Clinic
In solidarity,
AFSCME Council 28/WFSE
P.S. Want to help educate members about the vaccine? Contact us here.