Member lobbyists got a jump start at great Lobby Training 2018 Saturday in Seattle.
WFSE/AFSCME member lobbyists got bipartisan advice from five great lawmakers on how to tell our stories one-on-one to senators and representatives during the legislative session that starts today.
On hand for the practice sessions were: Rep. Roger Goodman, D-45th Dist.; Rep. Zack Hudgins, D-11th Dist.; Sen. Patty Kuderer, D-48th Dist.; Rep. Drew MacEwen, R-35th Dist.; and Rep. Beth Doglio, D-22nd Dist.
The Lobby Training also made news when the State Senate’s Capital Budget leader Sen. David Frockt vowed quick action on the state Capital Construction Budget in first two weeks of session that starts today.
“The No. 1 thing that we’ve got to do in this state is we must pass the state construction budget immediately in the first week or two weeks of the session,” Frockt said in his keynote address to the WFSE/AFSCME member lobbyists.
The old Senate Majority had held the Capital Construction Budget hostage over an unrelated water rights issue.
Frockt said the new Senate majority also rejects the notion held by many in the old majority that state employees are “whipping boys and whipping girls” to blame.
Frockt said the new Senate majority views every state employee as a partner.
“You’re not nameless and you’re not faceless,” Frockt said.
Saturday’s Lobby Training and Lobby Days starting this week are vital because there is no workforce in Washington that has more at stake in legislative decisions than state employees like us.