Inslee, Ferguson call out "Falsehood" Foundation, explain why coalition of 20 states backs public employees at the United States Supreme Court
In a "point-counterpart" pair of guest editorials in Sunday's Tacoma News Tribune, Gov. Jay Inslee and Attorney General Bob Ferguson debated a representative from what one Local 53 member dubbed the "Falsehood Foundation" over the Janus case now before the United States Supreme Court.
Inslee and Ferguson in their "Court should preserve union 'fair share'" said attacking unions and their members is attacking the American Dream. Here are excerpts from the Inslee-Ferguson piece:
"In what could be one of the most significant workers' rights cases of our lifetime, the U.S. Supreme Court is being asked to overturn a time-tested standard that protects public employees' right to collectively bargain for wages and benefits.
"Our modern-day laws guaranteeing minimum wages, safety standards and reasonable work hours are a result of union-driven reforms. And unions set standards for entire industries and occupations, which helps boost wages for non-union workers.
"That's why Washington is proud to be among those fighting for the right of state employees to use their power in numbers to improve their lives.
"We are among a coalition of 20 states that recently filed a court brief arguing that our states benefit when we have strong unions and workers are not striking. We don't want to go backward 40 years to a time when public employees took to the streets because they didn't have any other way to be heard.
Their entire piece at:
Many members have asked how to submit a letter to the editor to debunk the lies from the "Falsehood Foundation" writer. To submit a letter to the editor to the Tacoma News Tribune, go to: