2024: A Year of Solidarity

This year, we took on many challenges to become stronger as a union, protect our jobs, and ensure our families have the best futures possible. We aren't stopping there.

2024 Message from the President

A picture of Mike Yestramski, WFSE's president

WFSE President
Mike Yestramski
Psych. Social Worker
Western State Hospital

Dear siblings, As AFSCME President Lee Saunders says, “Do not bet against us – we are AFSCME Strong, and we never quit.”

The road ahead will require solidarity, collaboration, and strong unionism. Though we will certainly face challenging days, I know we’ll succeed. Our track record of coming together and ensuring the best for our union siblings proves it.

In the 2024 election, our efforts in Washington state defeated several dire pieces of legislation that would have put public jobs in jeopardy and ushered in leaders and lawmakers who will have our backs as working people.

During the 2024 contract campaign, thousands of you turned out in force to push back against completely unacceptable compensation proposals. Our work fighting for fair pay is far from finished, and I know WFSE members and public employees need and deserve more, but I am so proud of what we accomplished.

The petitions you signed made sure trades and support staff got the significant pay bumps they have desperately needed. Your phone calls to the Governor showed management you were paying attention. Your presence at over 130 Walkout for Washington sites across the state took our contract negotiations over the finish line and secured gains that had previously seemed impossible. In a year with daunting budget projections, our collective action forced the state to prioritize public employees.

There can be no doubt that our union is growing. The past year saw a massive increase in the number of folks attending union steward training. WFSE hit our highest number of PEOPLE subscribers since before Janus. We held our first-ever Leadership Summit, with excellent feedback from attendees. And our union surpassed 52,000 represented public employees in Washington.

Nine groups of public workers organized and won union rights with WFSE in 2024, including groups at the UW Medical Center, Department of Retirement Systems, and Secretary of State's Office.

During the 2024 legislative session, we helped to increase much-needed funding for the Department of Transportation. We successfully lobbied to raise the cap on vacation hours for state employees, preventing the loss of earned benefits and aligning Washington law with other states. From increasing the number of funded full-time employees at the Department of Corrections to reducing child mortality rates due to fentanyl exposure and protecting child welfare workers, WFSE member lobbyists made a huge difference.

At the 2024 AFSCME Convention, a third of attendees were there for the first time ever—another sign of our union’s growth across the country. WFSE showed up as a leader, winning the PEOPLE award, leading the pledge of allegiance, and bringing new folks into the movement. I was incredibly honored to be unanimously reelected as an International Vice President.

Throughout 2024, Ashley and I traveled this state to meet and learn from many of you. From visiting DOT sheds and hearing about the dangers workers there face, to doing on a ride-along with DOC members, we were continually amazed at the skill, courage, and determination you bring to your work.

We will need that tenacity and bold spirit in the year to come.

I ask that you sign up to lobby your elected officials, because it’s going to take all of us working together to get our contracts funded. I hope to see you at the 2025 WFSE Convention this year. And if you would like Ashley and me to visit your worksite, please let us know.

I look forward to the positive change we will make together in 2025, for our union siblings and all the Washingtonians who depend on us. Solidarity is our strength!

Mike Yestramski

Meet the rest of the WFSE leadership team here.