EWU Bargaining Update #2 - June 27, 2024

Greetings Union Siblings!

Your EWU bargaining team completed its 4th session with management today. We were able to make significant progress on a number of non-economic items, including reaching a “tentative agreement” on several articles.

Additionally, we began the economic portion of bargaining, introducing a handful of proposals related to meaningful employee benefits and vacation accrual. With EWU’s emphasis on equity in the workplace, we are pushing them to make those values a reality by treating its employees fairly and equitably.

We will continue to fight for your rights, working to ensure a better workplace for all employees at Eastern Washington University. We will be meeting to bargain again on July 17th and August 6th. We expect to begin discussions on compensation and other economic matters at those sessions.

Please remember to wear green in support of your bargaining team on bargaining days!