TESC Classified Bargaining Update #2 - July 1, 2024

Your TESC Classified Bargaining Team has just finished up Day 2 and 3 of negotiations on your next union contract.

At this time, we have reached tentative agreement on a couple dozen contract articles that preserve and expand your rights at work, and we and have fought off language that could chisel away at many hard-won gains of the past.

Though we still have work to do, we are hard at work on issues that affect your working conditions.

We need everyone to participate in our bargaining survey!
Please leave us your feedback so we can focus our efforts on the things that are most important to you.

We will be talking about economic subjects in our next round of bargaining in August.

In solidarity,

Your 2025-2027 Bargaining Team

  • Eric Lakewold
  • Zach Young
  • Richard Ohlson
  • Beth Mason
  • Katherine Killen

Want to share this update and others? Use the bargaining updates webpage!

Wear Green on Your Negotiation Dates! 5/29, 6/26, 6/27, 8/2/24, 8/8, 9/11, 9/12, 9/18, 9/19

Bargaining Survey due 7/5: Click here to rank the issues most important to you