Supporting the Geoduck for Washington State Clam

Whereas the WFSE DCYF Policy Committee addresses many serious topics, including assaults on staff, critical incidents, and serious workload issues, that directly impact the morale and mental well-being of members, and, further, can significantly impact our own organizing abilities;

Whereas the DCYF Policy Committee believes that the Pacific geoduck makes people happy, that happy members are better organized and empowered, and that organized and empowered members in turn increase union power in Olympia and our worksites;

Whereas we recognize that SB 5625, a bill to designate the Pacific geoduck as the state clam, failed in the current legislative session, we additionally recognize that this bill has increased member morale and interest in lobbying during this difficult session;

Whereas the geoduck is the mascot of WFSE members at Evergreen State College, and in consideration of the fact that the Pacific razor clam, proposed as state clam by SB 5560 in the current session, does not represent any of our members as a mascot or similar symbol;

Whereas we believe the vibes of the geoduck more accurately represent our great state;

Whereas the Pacific geoduck, a truly unique clam with a name derived from the Lushootseed language, is the largest burrowing clam in the world, can live for over 140 years, and is native to the waters of Washington State;

Now therefore be it resolved that the DCYF Policy Committee shall continue to advocate for the designation of the Pacific geoduck as Washington state clam;

Be it further resolved that we commit to educating members of our union and our workplaces about the geoduck, and that Washington State, despite being a coastal and clam abundant state, still lacks a state clam;

Be it finally resolved that we urge Council 28 to renew their commitment to track future geoduck legislation and to provide education around the pressing issue of Washington State’s lack of a state clam.

This resolution as adopted by the WFSE DCYF Policy Committee on February 22, 2025.