Become a Member

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We work at DCYF. That means we have stress-free jobs where we absolutely rake in the cash. No? Then why join the union? 

Our union gives us a louder voice collectively than we have as individuals. Through the efforts of our members, leaders, officers, allies, and stewards, we have won major improvements to our working conditions, pay, safety, job security, and workloads. We have stewards who represent us, activists who fight against problematic bills, negotiators who secure better contracts, and members who bring our concerns directly to management. If we aren't organized, management gets to do what they want. 

As of July 1, 2024, union dues are 1.5% of gross monthly salary, capped at $125.66 per month (see the current dues rate here). The 2023-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement that we negotiated resulted in a 7% cost of living adjustment (increase in pay) after two years, a $1,000 retention bonus, a $1,000 COVID booster incentive, reduced healthcare costs, and hundreds of job-class-specific raises and other positive changes as well. Our work also means that management doesn't find it so easy to increase the cost of our healthcare, get rid of our pension plan options, or increase our workloads without hiring more workers.

Becoming a member means that your voice is heard, whether you are speaking at your local meeting, telling your story to elected representatives, or writing the content for your policy committee's website. It also tells management that you support what WFSE is fighting for.  That means telling them that YOU support staff pay increases, general wage increases, safer worksites, and our contracts in general. 

Sign up now, and learn how you can get involved, take action, or solve a problem

Learn more about membership in WFSE here.