Campaigns and Actions

Washington for All, Not Just the Rich - Statewide Action

What is it?

The Governor has proposed across the board budget cuts to tackle Washington's projected $12 billion budget deficit, along with the closure of several public facilities that our most vulnerable depend on.

We can’t cut our way out of this mess. Our workloads are already through the roof. We can fix the structural budget deficit that got us here by asking the super-rich to begin contributing like the rest of us.

Every one of our members can attest to how having to do more with less every year impacts us and the general public that depends on our work, and how budget cuts would make it worse.

Telling our stories is just what we'll have to do to protect our work and the people we serve.

Learn about our upside-down tax code and the structural budget deficit:

How you can take action:

Contact your elected officials:

Check this page for updates and for other ways to act:


Lobby Days - DCYF/Statewide Action

What is it?

We worked hard to get major wins in our contract for 2025 - 2027, but we don't get those wins unless our contract is actually funded.  The state is expecting a shortfall in revenue, and we need to convince our legislators not to address that by making our work - and the lives of Washington's families - more difficult and more dangerous.  By attending a lobby day, either to talk with your own representatives or for Child Welfare as a whole, you can make your voice heard by the people who make the laws and fund the state.

Read more here:

How you can take action:

Sign up for lobby days here:

You can find your district and representatives using this link:

Or just sign up for a Child Welfare lobby day, where a bunch of us will be going to talk with legislators specifically about issues relevant to our field.  One is scheduled on February 17, and another will be scheduled for March.  Keep an eye on your email and our Facebook page for carpooling details, bills to speak for or against, and other important information.

 WFSE members attending lobby day