WFSE DCYF - Walkout 3/20

Subject: No Cuts! No Furloughs! Take Action 3/20 @ Noon

Hello WFSE DCYF Siblings!

We do not think it will be a surprise to any of you to say we are understaffed, underpaid, overworked, and often unsafe. Our coworkers are leaving, but hiring for their positions is put on hold while we are denied overtime, pressured to work off the clock, and told that somehow, we just aren't working hard enough.

As if all of this isn't enough on its own, Governor Ferguson is proposing further cuts to state services, in many cases to our own programs or to those that we rely on to support our clients. He's also suggesting that we take one day of unpaid leave per month for the next two years, effectively erasing the gains in pay we fought for in our new collective bargaining contracts. Many of us can't afford to lose the income - and we'll also have even more work to do in less time each month, resulting in more pressure on us and worse outcomes for the children and families we work with.

We can't keep doing more with less! We deserve better. Our clients, coworkers, friends, family, neighbors, and children deserve better. Join us outside your building on Thursday, March 20 at noon to send a message to the governor, our legislators, and the public that can't be ignored: NO CUTS, NO FURLOUGHS! The wealthiest people in our state must pay their fair share!

Confirm with your steward or Member Action Team leader about when and where to meet, or organize your coworkers yourself using the linked materials (scroll down the page to attachments).  You can also attend a rally at your nearest attorney general’s office; they started this action. All you need is a few minutes of your lunch break (don’t use work time, equipment, or resources) to take photos, walk through your neighborhood with signs, or share how these cuts and furloughs would affect you, your family, or the Washingtonians we serve. Post your photos and videos on social media using #WashingtonForAll and tag @WFSEc28, or send them to us at [email protected].

Looking for more ways to take action?

-   Attend a town hall with your legislators, wear green and show up to tell them that cuts and furloughs are NOT a solution. If your district isn't listed on the page, check the links at the bottom to find it.

-   Write a short letter to your elected officials.

-  Call your elected officials – You can also text STAND to 237263 for information on making the call, as well as for tips and talking points.

-  Learn about and testify on proposed legislation.

-   Check out our Policy Committee’s website or WFSE’s website for updates and other actions.

We’ll see you on Thursday!

In Solidarity,

WFSE - DCYF Policy Committee

Jeanette Obelcz, Policy Committee Chair

Shauna Lowery, Eastern Washington Vice Chair

Reef Landrum, Western Washington Vice Chair