Take Action on Furloughs and Facility Closures!

Use this page to take action against budget cuts and furloughs and demand that our state balance our tax code so that all Washingtonians can thrive. 

Our elected officials have proposed the following cuts to public workers' pay and healthcare rather than ask the super-rich to pay more in taxes:
  • Increasing healthcare costs and suspending our right to negotiate over healthcare until 2029
  • Implementing furlough days and corresponding reductions in pay
  • Cutting tens of millions from higher education funding, with furloughs and layoffs likely
  • Laying off thousands of public workers
Tell your representatives you want no increases to your healthcare, no furloughs, and a balanced tax code with shared responsibility for the vital services we all depend on.

Our current $12 billion budget crisis is in large part a result of our state’s inequitable tax code that relies on those with the least to pay the most. It's inefficient and it's unfair. 

Action Links:

In-Person Events:

Information and Resources

Washington for All Resources - Share at Your Local Meetings!

For local officers: Order or customize signs and flyers from the WFSE print shop here.

Weekly Legislative Updates: