WFSE Corrections

The proposed closures would negatively impact those who are in most need of these services , result in increased recidivism (a 2007 study showed Washington’s reentry centers lead to at least a 2.8% reduction in recidivism), cost the state more money (research conducted by the Washington State Institute for Public Policy indicates that reentry programs have a positive cost/benefit impact; for every dollar spent, $3.82 is returned to the state.), and threaten the capacity of our community custody system when the need for more capacity is rising.

On December 12th, DOC Leadership met with management for the Statewide Union Management Communication Committee (SUMCC).

This year, we took on many challenges to become stronger as a union, protect our jobs, and ensure our families have the best futures possible. We aren't stopping there.

If you're worried about the pending budget shortfall, here's what you need to know.

We’ve known about the budget crunch since June, and here’s the good news. We’re ahead of the game.

During contract negotiations., our employers didn't want to spend a dime on compensation given the budget shortfall. We walked out for Washington won great contracts. Now we need to convince our elected officials to fund our contract.

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On Tuesday, September 10, thousands of WFSE members at over 130 worksites walked out of their jobs to draw attention to the need for a fair contract.

Two days following the walkouts, tentative agreements for 2025-27 contracts began rolling in. 

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We need to defend our ability to secure raises and our state’s childcare and schools.