TAMWU Bargaining Update #1 - August 13, 2024

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Today, our TAMWU bargaining team had our first meeting with management.

Follow all the action on our Instagram.

We’re feeling good about today. We’re happy that the process of negotiating our first contract and making TAM a better place to work has begun. Our team has been hard at work for weeks before today, preparing proposals and learning about the bargaining process. This first meeting, we shared our first nine proposals. That’s a ton of proposals to get through in a single session, and an excellent start.

It’s clear that everyone on both sides of the table is motivated to get this process underway and to have it go as smoothly as possible. Management seemed receptive to our initial proposals and the meeting was cordial and positive. We hope that this continues, and that management doesn’t dig their heels in when we get to the tougher parts of this process, like negotiating compensation. We hope they understand that the changes we are proposing are truly needed for TAM to flourish.

Fellow TAMWU members:

We know you are depending on this first contract being secured in a timely manner, and we’re committed to that—and to fighting for what’s best for all of us. To be successful, we need you with us! Here’s what you can do to help us in our work at the table:

  • Do you have thoughts on the contract, suggestions, or questions about how bargaining works? Get in touch! We want to hear from you. Find us at work or email us at [email protected].
  • Every Thursday until contract negotiations have concluded, let’s all wear our TAMWU shirts to work. This is a powerful visual reminder to management that we are united as TAM workers!
  • Sign your union card! As a reminder, only TAMWU members who have signed union cards will be able to vote on this contract.

Thank you for all that you do. We’re here and we’re fighting for you.

In solidarity,

Your TAMWU Bargaining Team

Kellz Moylan
Graeme Huntley
Stephen Rue