
WFSE members have been hard at work making DOC a safer and better place to work.

WFSE DOC employees keep communities safe.

WFSE leaders from 41 different locals across Washington gathered on May 31 and June 1, learning the best ways to organize for success within their locals.

Local delegates, executive board members, and member of PEOPLE, our union's political action fund, came together on April 27 to decide which candidates our union endorses in a critical 2024 election season.

Here’s a crucial reason for working people to do all they can to help Jon Ossoff and the Rev. Raphael Warnock win the Georgia Senate runoff elections in January – federal aid to states, cities, towns and schools.

If Ossoff and Warnock prevail, there will be a pro-worker majority in the U.S. Senate. Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, as president of the Senate, will cast the tie-breaking vote when the chamber is deadlocked.

Longer response times for stranded drivers, reduced access to life-saving medical treatment and more crime suffered by elderly residents are just a few of the impacts Washington residents may face if legislators choose budget cuts over new revenue.

Our union has negotiated a furlough agreement to help avoid layoffs and job losses. Here's what you need to know about the furlough process we have negotiated with UWMC and Harborview, should furloughs become necessary.

From November 25, 2020 to June 30, 2021, employees in certain job classes at UWMC may be required to take furloughs (see excluded classifications below).

Armed with a strong contract and the resources of their union, four WFSE members won justice for themselves and their co-workers.

Lea este mensaje en español.

Housing and Food Services has scheduled rolling furloughs for custodians.

Why? And what does this mean?                 

Because there are fewer students on campus, UW Housing and Food Services is facing a budget crisis and a shortage of work. Housing and food services depends on student fees and a number of buildings will now be closed.  

To avoid permanent layoffs, your union has negotiated furloughs and important protections while you are on furlough. 

President-elect Joe Biden and Vice president-elect Kamala Harris on Monday brought together business and union leaders, including AFSCME President Lee Saunders, for a virtual meeting to discuss an economic recovery agenda for the country.

Following the meeting, Biden warned of a “dark winter” ahead for the nation and highlighted consensus among the labor leaders and CEOs alike on the need to fund the front lines.