
WFSE members have been hard at work making DOC a safer and better place to work.

WFSE DOC employees keep communities safe.

WFSE leaders from 41 different locals across Washington gathered on May 31 and June 1, learning the best ways to organize for success within their locals.

Local delegates, executive board members, and member of PEOPLE, our union's political action fund, came together on April 27 to decide which candidates our union endorses in a critical 2024 election season.

Protecting personal information regarding sexual harassment claims (HB 2778)

Juvenile rehab investments needed if institutions keep older residents

It might increase success to keep young offenders in state juvenile rehabilitation facilities until their age 25 ½ , but success needs investment in those institutions.

That’s what AFSCME Council 28 (WFSE) Lobbyist Matt Zuvich told the House Early Learning and Human Service Committee Tuesday (Jan. 30) on HB 2907.

AFSCME Council 28 (WFSE) urges passage of bill to protect privacy of state employee victims of sexual harassment

AFSCME Council 28 (WFSE) on Tuesday (Jan. 30) urged a House committee to pass a bill to protect the privacy of state employees who blow the whistle on sexual harassment.

HB 2778 would prohibit state agencies from disclosing to the Freedom Foundation, media or anyone else any personal information about any stare employee who makes a sexual harassment claim.

Our priority #MeToo campaign sparks poignant House hearing

Thanks to the increased awareness from the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements, the effort to expand the mission to purge Washington’s worksites of non-sexual harassment as well sparked a poignant hearing Monday (Jan. 29) in the House Labor and Workplace Standards Committee.

House Bill 2888 addresses workplace bullying by making it an unfair labor practice to subject an employee to an abusive work environment.

Addressing workplace bullying by making it an unfair practice to subject an employee to an abusive work environment (HB 2888)

2/7/18   Workplace bullying – HB 2888 did not come up for a vote of the House Appropriations Committee.