
WFSE members have been hard at work making DOC a safer and better place to work.

WFSE DOC employees keep communities safe.

WFSE leaders from 41 different locals across Washington gathered on May 31 and June 1, learning the best ways to organize for success within their locals.

Local delegates, executive board members, and member of PEOPLE, our union's political action fund, came together on April 27 to decide which candidates our union endorses in a critical 2024 election season.

Local 1066 fights yet another proposed increase in parking rates.

Eric Needham, Local 1066 Secretary and WFSE representative on WSU’s Parking Committee, staved off a Valentine’s Day vote on a proposed 2.8% parking increase slated for next year.

Eric demanded that the vote be tabled until the Committee was able to review the Parking budget.

Full transparency from WSU is needed, especially in this time of a self-inflicted budget crisis. Local 1066 members are still fighting a unilateral cost increase imposed at the beginning of the school year.

WSU student journalist exposes critical deferred maintenance issue we should all care about

From the Washington State University Daily Evergreen campus newspaper in Pullman.

Note: Our Local 1066 members there have also raised the alarm on this issue because they take their job seriously -- keeping the WSU Pullman community safe and sound and a good place to learn and work.

Here’s some of what WSU journalist Luke Hudson wrote Feb. 20:

House, Senate supplemental budgets lauded, but some adjustments called for

In concurrent House and Senate hearings late Tuesday afternoon (Feb. 20), AFSCME Council 28 (WFSE) praised each plan for helping vulnerable people.

But we supported the House budget provisos on Department of Corrections and funding of our health benefits.

Outsourcing transparency bill just plain good government, Senate panel told

Our priority bill to bring transparency and accountability to state outsourcing brings front-end scrutiny that may stop a bad decision before it costs taxpayers money.

That’s what 2SHB 1851 would do, the bill’s sponsor, Rep. Laurie Dolan of the 22nd Dist., told the Senate State Government Committee Monday night (Feb. 19).

Date-of-birth privacy bill about safety and security, supporters tell a House committee

The bill to keep our dates of birth private, SB 6079, is about protecting the “physical and emotional safety” of state employees, not a restriction on the news media, bill sponsor Sen. Patty Kuderer of the 48th Dist. told the House State Government Committee Tuesday morning (Feb. 20).

Senate first out of gate with supplemental budget proposal

The Senate Democratic majority on Monday (Feb. 19) released its proposed supplemental budget – the off-year budget that tweaks the major two-year operating budget adopted last year.

The House plan is expected tomorrow.