AFSCME Council 28 (WFSE) has over 50 local unions. Use this page to find your local's contact and meeting information. Locals are organized on this page by their field office.
If you need help determining which local you are assigned to, please call the MEMBER CONNECTION CENTER (MCC) at 833-MCC-WFSE (1-833-622-9373) or email them at [email protected].
If you are a local leader and need to update your local information shared on this page, please fill out this form.
*Local 53 (Tacoma area)
- MEETINGS: Last Wed. of each month at 6pm - Zoom, twice per quarter and in-person, once per quarter (IBEW76 Hall)
- ELECTIONS: MAR, in even years
- Tacoma Field Office
Local 304 (Seattle area)
- EMAIL: [email protected]
- MEETINGS: 4TH THU of the month - Local Office
- ELECTIONS: OCT, in odd years
- Seattle Field Office
Local 308 (DOC King County)
- MEETINGS: 2ND WED of the month at 5:30pm at the Seattle Community Justice Center
- ELECTIONS: OCT, in odd years
- Seattle Field Office
*Local 313 (Vancouver area)
- EMAIL: [email protected]
- MEETINGS: 3RD THU of the month at 6pm. Location varies. Watch for mailings
- Olympia Field Office
Local 330 (CWU, Ellensburg)
- EMAIL: [email protected]
- PHONE: 509-859-3195
- MEETINGS: 1st WED of the month at 5:45pm, Labor Temple, 213 W 3rd Ave, Ellensburg
- ELECTIONS: NOV, annually
- Spokane Field Office
Local 341 (Fircrest/Echo Glen/SOLA)
- EMAIL: [email protected]
- PHONE: 206-794-9661
- MEETINGS: 2ND THU of the month at 4:30-6:30pm at Fircrest Coffee Shop, 15230 15th Avenue NE, Shoreline 98155
- ELECTIONS: MAY, annually
- Seattle Field Office
Local 378 (DOT D1, Seattle)
- MEETINGS: 1ST TUE of the month from 5:30-7:30pm (except 2nd TUE if holiday)
- ELECTIONS: FEB, in odd years
- Seattle Field Office
Local 396 (Walla Walla area)
- MEETINGS: 3RD MON of the month at 6pm at Chiquillas Restaurant
- ELECTIONS: NOV, annually
- Spokane Field Office
*Local 443 (Olympia/Thurston/Mason)
- EMAIL: [email protected]
- MEETINGS: 3RD TUE of the month at 6pm, Hybrid, Local 443 Office, 906 Columbia Street SW #205, Olympia 98501
- ELECTIONS: JAN, in odd years
- Olympia Field Office
Local 482 - MERGED with Local 1181
- Please see information for Local 1181
Local 491 (Rainier/SOLA)
- EMAIL: [email protected]
- MEETINGS: 1ST THU of the month at 7pm and 10:45pm in Bill Leonard Room, Rainer School, Buckley
- ELECTIONS: FEB, in odd years
- Tacoma Field Office
Local 504 (DOT D6, Spokane)
- MEETINGS: 3RD WED of the month for APR-NOV at the Spokane Field Office. No meetings in winter months.
- ELECTIONS: JUN, every 3 years
- Spokane Field Office
Local 562 (WAALJ, Olympia)
- EMAIL: [email protected]
- ELECTIONS: JUN, yearly
- Olympia Field Office
Local 573 (Lakeland Village/SOLA/DD)
- EMAIL: [email protected]
- MEETINGS: 3rd WED of the month at 3:15pm (AP Conf Rm) and 11:05pm (Cox Conf Rm), Lakeland Village, Medical Lake
- ELECTIONS: DEC annually: some positions in odd years, some positions in even years
- Spokane Field Office
Local 716 (Skamania/Klickitat)
- ELECTIONS: SEP, annually
- Olympia Field Office
Local 782 (Medical Lake area)
- EMAIL: [email protected]
- MEETINGS: 2ND WED of the month in the Activity Therapy Bldg
- ELECTIONS: DEC, in even years
- Spokane Field Office
Local 793 (WSH/CSTC/Oakridge/SCC)
- MEETINGS: 3RD THU of the month at 4:30pm in Hamilton Conference Room, WSH
- ELECTIONS: DEC, in odd years
- Tacoma Field Office
Local 795 (WAGPRO - AGO and PCPO)
- EMAIL: [email protected]
- MEETINGS: 1ST TUE of the month from 6pm (Virtual)
- Facebook:
- Private Group:
- Instagram:
- Seattle Field Office
Local 843 (Human Services, King Co)
- MEETINGS: 2ND WED of the month from 6pm on Zoom
- ELECTIONS: OCT, annually
- Seattle Field Office
Local 862 (Chehalis/Centralia area)
- MEETINGS: 2ND TUE of the month (no meeting JUL/AUG) at 6pm, Green Hill School Visitor Center, 375 NW 11th Street, Chehalis
- ELECTIONS: DEC, annually
- Olympia Field Office
*Local 872 (Thurston Co. Ecology)
- EMAIL: [email protected]
- MEETINGS: 3rd TUE of the month at 12pm, on Hybrid - Zoom or Ecology Building Lacey HQ/SWRO
- ELECTIONS: MAY, odd years
- Olympia Field Office
*Local 889 (DCYF, King Co.)
- EMAIL: [email protected]
- MEETINGS: 2nd MON of the month at 6pm on Zoom
- ELECTIONS: MAY, odd years
Local 931 (EWU, Cheney)
- MEETINGS: 3RD THU of the month, ODD months at 5:15pm; EVEN months at Noon; all in Monroe 205, EWU
- ELECTIONS: NOV, annually: some positions in odd years, some positions in even years
- Spokane Field Office
Local 948 (Human Services, Snohomish Co)
- PHONE: 425-953-0415
- MEETINGS: 1ST TUE of the month at 6pm, 2810 Lombard Ave, Everett, WA 98201
- ELECTIONS: MAR, in odd years
- Seattle Field Office
Local 970 (Grays Harbor/Pacific)
- PHONE: 360-581-4078
- MEETINGS: 3RD THU of each month, 6pm at DSHS Kitchen, 415 W Wishkah, Aberdeen 98520
- ELECTIONS: MAY, annually
- Olympia Field Office
Local 976 (L&I, King County)
- EMAIL: [email protected]
- MEETINGS: 1ST WED (no meeting JUL/AUG) Noon-1pm, via teleconference in L&I conference rooms in Seattle, Bellevue and Tukwila
- ELECTIONS: APR nominations; MAY elections, annually
- Seattle Field Office
Local 1020 (Everett area)
- PHONE: 425-760-8450
- EMAIL: [email protected]
- MEETINGS: 2ND TUE of the month at 6pm via Zoom
- ELECTIONS: JAN, in odd years
- Seattle Field Office
*Local 1054 (Colville area)
- PHONE: 509-690-3459
- MEETINGS: 2nd TUE of the month in Colville at the AG Trade Building, 317 W Astor Ave., 99114
- ELECTIONS: OCT, annually
- Spokane Field Office
Local 1060 (NW Washington)
- EMAIL: [email protected]
- PHONE: 360-303-8410 or 360-922-2004
- ADDRESS: 1700 N State Street #201, Bellingham WA 98225
- MEETINGS: 1st THU of the month at 6pm
- ELECTIONS: APR, in even years
- Seattle Field Office
Local 1066 MERGED with Local 1300
- Please see information for Local 1300
Local 1181 (Kitsap area)
- PHONE: 360-286-5449
- EMAIL: [email protected]
- MEETINGS: 3RD THU every other month (JAN, MAR, MAY, JUL, SEP, NOV) at 6pm at Washington Veteran's Home, 1141 Beach Drive E, Port Orchard, Sinclair Rm
- ELECTIONS: Nov., odd years
- Tacoma Field Office
Local 1208 (DOT D6, Davenport)
- MEETINGS: Quarterly (except Winter) beginning in Mar (watch meeting notice for details)
- ELECTIONS: JUN, annually
- Spokane Field Office
Local 1221 (Spokane area)
- MEETINGS: 2ND TUE of the month from 6pm
- ELECTIONS: Elections OCT; in even years
- Spokane Field Office
Local 1225 (WSSB & CDHY)
- MEETINGS: FEB 22, 2-3pm, CDHY Clarke Hall room 130; APR 11, 1-2pm, WSSB Stenehjem Bldg Classroom; JUN 1, End of Year celebration, TBA; SEP 12, 1-2pm, WSSB Stenehjrm Bldg Classroom; OCT 18, 2-3pm, CDHY Clarke Hall Rm 130; DEC Holiday Party, TBA
- ELECTIONS: OCT, annually
- Olympia Field Office
*Local 1253 (Tri-Cities area)
- EMAIL: [email protected]
- PHONE: 833-622-9373
- MEETINGS: Y2024, THURS., - 1/11; 2/8; 3/7; 4/11; 5/9; 6/6; 7/11; 8/8; 9/5; 10/10; 11/7; 12/5 @ 5:30pm on Zoom
- ELECTIONS: DEC, annually
- Spokane Field Office
Local 1290 (DOT D4, Chehalis)
- MEETINGS: 3rd THU of the month MAR-OCT typically (depends on passes, haying, hunting, and fishing). Watch for mailed meeting notices
- ELECTIONS: OCT, annually
- Olympia Field Office
Local 1291 (DOT D5, Pasco)
- MEETINGS: 3RD WED of the month MAR-OCT at 6pm, locations to be announced
- ELECTIONS: APR, annually
- Spokane Field Office
Local 1299 (North Central Washington)
- EMAIL: [email protected]
- PHONE: (509) 322-2249
- MEETINGS: 3rd FRI of the month (typically). Locations rotate between Okanogan, Wenatchee, Moses Lake. Watch for mailed meeting notices
- ELECTIONS: SEP, in odd years
- CONSTITUTION: Click here
- Spokane Field Office
Local 1300 (Whitman/Clarkston/WSU/Pullman)
- MEETINGS: 4TH THU at 6pm at Quay Restaurant
- ELECTIONS: APR, annually
- Spokane Field Office
Local 1301 (Ellensburg area)
- EMAIL: [email protected]
- PHONE: 509-201-6128
- MEETINGS: 4th THU, APR - OCT at 6:30pm at Sunset Cafe
- ELECTIONS: SEP, annually
- Spokane Field Office
*Local 1326 (Yakima area)
- EMAIL: [email protected]
- PHONE: 509-961-2542
- MEETINGS: 3RD THU of the month, 6pm, Sweet Bees Rest., 601 Fruitvale Blvd, Yakima, WA 98902
- ELECTIONS: NOV, annually
- Spokane Field Office
*Local 1381 (WWU)
- EMAIL: [email protected]
- MEETINGS: 2ND WED of the month, Noon-1pm. Details available in the monthly local newsletter.
- ELECTIONS: DEC, annually
- Seattle Field Office
*Local 1400 (Longview/Kelso)
- EMAIL: [email protected]
- MEETINGS: 3RD TUE of the month from 5:30-7:30pm - location in the montly meeting notices
- ELECTIONS: Nominations Committee SEP; Nominations OCT; Elections NOV; in even years
- Olympia Field Office
Local 1463 (Clallam/Jefferson)
- PHONE: 360-319-6888
- MEETINGS: 2ND WED of the month dinner at 5pm. Meeting at 6pm at Peninsula College in the PUB room J47, Port Angeles
- ELECTIONS: MAY in even years
- Olympia Field Office
Local 1466 (Statewide Parks)
- MEETINGS: Watch for mailed meeting notices
- ELECTIONS: Nominations and elections (OCT-NOV) in even years for officers; staggered 3-year terms for trustees
- Olympia Field Office
*Local 1495 (UW, Seattle)
- EMAIL: [email protected]
- PHONE: 206-841-2798
- MEETINGS: 4th Wed., of the month at 5pm on Zoom
- ELECTIONS: March, odd years
- Seattle Field Office
Local 1556 (DOT D3, Port Angeles)
- MEETINGS: 2ND TUE of the month at 5pm at 1707-C South Street, Port Angeles
- ELECTIONS: MAR, annually
- Olympia Field Office
Local 1671 (Interpreters United)
- EMAIL: [email protected]
- MEETINGS: QTRLY - JAN 26 (Olympia); APR 20 (TBD); JUL 27 (TBD); NOV 2 (TBD)
- ELECTIONS: OCT, in odd years
- Seattle Field Office
Local 1984 (DOT D3, Raymond)
- MEETINGS: Last THU of the month in MAR/MAY/JUL/SEP, Location rotates. Watch for mailed meeting notices
- ELECTIONS: MAR, annually
- Olympia Field Office
Local 2559 (DOT D4, Vancouver)
- MEETINGS: 2ND THU of the month at 5pm at Maint Bldg Conf Room, 4100 Main Street, Vancouver WA 98663
- ELECTIONS: OCT, annually
- Olympia Field Office
Local 2824 (ABHS, statewide)
*Local 3488 (HMC, UW Medicine)
- EMAIL: [email protected]
- PHONE: 206-725-7040
- MEETINGS: 4th WED of the month, 7pm, Zoom
- ELECTIONS: 4th THU in MAR, annually
- Seattle Field Office
*Local that submitted information for the Local Annual Review for 2024.
Locals may submit changes/updates to [email protected].