
WFSE members have been hard at work making DOC a safer and better place to work.

WFSE DOC employees keep communities safe.

Federal money for programs and services that help millions of vulnerable Americans and employ many AFSCME members could be in jeopardy next year.

WFSE leaders from 41 different locals across Washington gathered on May 31 and June 1, learning the best ways to organize for success within their locals.

Coming out of the Great Recession, Governor Inslee rejected the austerity agenda of his predecessor and set Washington on a course for recovery by investing in—not cutting from—working families. He proved that taking care of people isn’t just possible while you grow the economy, it’s actually how you grow the economy. In my view, this is the lesson of his tenure as governor.
It’s easy to say that the 2020 election is the most important of our lifetimes, but hearing this firsthand from AFSCME Retirees, many of whom have dedicated their lives to public service and making America a better place to live, shows the urgency to us all.

No workforce has more at stake in the decisions made by elected officials. No election in our lifetimes has been more consequential.

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If there’s one thing the 2020 election has in spades, it’s choices – and not just the choices between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, Mike Pence and Kamala Harris, and choices up and down the ballot. In a year when our jobs, our families, and every aspect of our lives have felt the impact of a pandemic, there are lots of ways to make your voice heard at the polls. 

Both would bring perspectives that are sorely lacking in Congress. But only one has spent her career improving the lives of working people.

There are countless reasons against voting for Donald Trump in November. But this election isn’t just about Donald Trump. AFSCME President Lee Saunders explains why working people should cast their ballots for Joe Biden for president and Kamala Harris for vice president:

Thursday after 10 p.m., the WFSE General Government Bargaining Team reached a 2021-2023 tentative agreement with the state of Washington that secures a future for 30,000 + state workers and the millions of Washingtonians they serve.

GG members: View the full TA and voting instructions here.

The agreement accomplishes the following:

Nursing homes have been especially hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 40% of all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. have been linked to nursing homes. But according to a recent study, one factor that determines how fatal a COVID-19 outbreak will be is whether that nursing home is unionized.