Join WFSE members and community on February 6 in Olympia to rally for our privacy and safety!
Public employees from all across Washington will converge on the Capitol with a strong message for legislators: Keep us safe.
Get more details and RSVP here. If you have questions or need information on transportation, contact the Member Connection Center (MCC) at [email protected] or 833-MCC-WFSE (1-833-622-9373).
By now, you've likely heard about the fight over our private information. Personal data like our birthdates can be exploited by identity thieves, stalkers, and others who may want to target state employees. WFSE has successfully obtained a temporary restraining order, but we need a long-term, permanent solution.
That's why we’re calling on state legislators to pass House Bill 1888, legislation that would prevent the public disclosure of state workers' birthdates. HB 1888 protects state employees and our families while ensuring government transparency.