Legislative Update 1: January 22

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We kicked off the 2025 Legislative Session strong, with great Lobby Days attendance and strong testimony to remind our legislators that we're fighting for Washington's working families, now and always.

We have Lobby Days for districts all across the state and days for specific departments as well. 

You can find your legislative district here and join your union siblings for your 2025 Lobby Day here. 

And you can find WFSE's priority bills here. 

HB 1097 & 1198: Funding WFSE Contracts.

WFSE members know that Washington doesn't run without us, and that cutting our jobs to balance the state budget will lead to a bevy of problems in the lives of every Washingtonian. We're asking the state to fund our contracts and ensure the heroes that keep Washington functioning are protected and paid by our contracts.

Watch our testimony here

HB 1105: Creating a stand-alone contract for WFSE DOC members.

HB 1105 will create a stand-alone contract for DOC Community Corrections staff, separate from the general government bargaining table. This will save time and simplify the bargaining process for everyone.

Watch our testimony here

SB 5166 & 5167: Keeping Rainier School, Yakima Valley School, Ahtanum View, and Bellingham Re-Entry Centers Open.

WFSE opposes Governor Inslee's proposed closures of Rainier School, Yakima Valley School, Ahtanum View, and Bellingham Re-Entry Centers in the name of balancing the state budget. These closures would greatly impact the lives of residents receiving care and training at these locations, as well as decimate the job opportunities in the rural Washington towns these facilities run in.

Watch our testimony here

SB 5161: Making transportation appropriations for the 2025-2027 fiscal biennium.

SB 5161 aims to protect our dedicated WSDOT employees through repairs to DOT sheds to irradicate asbestos exposure, provide funds for needed safety improvements to roads throughout Washington, and increase safety at work zones around the state.

Watch our testimony here

HB 1022: Creating a Home for Heroes Program.

HB 1022 will help create down payment assistance to targeted occupations, encouraging relocation to and homeownership within Washington. This act focuses on public workers, some of Washington's most unsung heroes, and aims to help working families live in the communities they serve and continue to serve the state.

Watch our testimony here